Helping service technicians troubleshoot issues with drones
A drone streaming platform for remote service calls
Elevating online calls streams to help troubleshoot urban issues
Information Architecture, Feature prototyping, UX, Visual design
Role: Key Designer | CareAR
Team of 2 developers
January 2022 - July 2022
Client (CareAR) already had a robust technical support system in place which supported video calls and video streaming for troubleshooting purposes. The goals was to add capability of streaming via drones for cases, when troubleshooting area is vast.
User scenario
Load an app, connect your drone, join existing session or start a new one.
Joining a call
To ensure all cases are covered, I have created a detailed flowchart depicting all possible scenarios, including failed drone connections, failed session joinings, and default states for each screen
Users can check the battery charge, GPS signal, flight time and the strength of the drone's connection and the phone's connection to prevent loss of control.
Monitoring drone vitals
Switching views
A smooth transition between the map view and live video stream is implemented. To prevent users from getting too distracted, live video streaming is incorporated into all views.
User can turn on/off display route mode to see exact drone path; locate drone by focusing on current location and locate own position at any moment.
© 2023. Darya Tarasevich